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Ashraf Ezzat

“How come the Egyptians, who eye-witnessed the vengeful wrath of the Exodus god, never glorified YHWH nor converted to Judaism soon after?”

By Dr. Ashraf Ezzat


Once again I will talk about the Israelite stories. … Why? Because those stories are still alive and being told over and over again.  Those stories have the same effect they had thousands of years ago when they were first told.

Their seemingly perpetual impact is not because they surpass the Shakespearean genius but because the Israelites claimed their stories were written down with a pen immersed with divine revelation- their own divine god of course.

Those stories, without the divine dye splashed all over it, are but a bunch of myths copycatted from other ancient Near Eastern culture and mythology.

The original myth, before it had been hijacked by the Israelites like the Sumerian deluge (Noah’s flood) made sense in its native cultural context.    After the…

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Repost and Update: On Benghazi and “Expendable Faggots”.

Friends of Syria

Mainstream Media Is Being Forced to Retract Its Propaganda More and More Quickly

The New York Times pushed fabricated evidence in the run up to the Iraq war.   A year later, the newspaper apologized for its inaccurate, one-sided coverage.

129378 (1)The U.S. and the New York Times pretended that Syria’s government was responsible for the chemical weapons attack … but that claim was debunked, and even the New York Times was forced to retract itseveral months later.  (The alternative media, including Pulitzer prize winning reporter Seymour Hersh, has also pointed out that it was the Syrians rebels – with the help of the Turkish government – did it).

Then the U.S. and the New York Times pretended that they had proof that Russian soldiers were the mysterious “masked men” seizing government buildings in Russia.  But a couple of days later, they were forced reporting from the alternative media –…

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Ed Milliband has employed David Axelrod to “run” his campaign in the next election. Ed Miliband is a Jew and a communistic. Axelrod is also a Jew. What has Axelrod to do with this country, or with the British people??? He was part of the Obama person’s election or his early cabinet, and I think he also had something to do with the bankrupting of Iceland. What have thee people in common with the English, Welsh or Scots???

Beastrabban\'s Weblog

1848 Book pic

Peter Jones in his book The 1848 Revolutions (Harlow: Longman 1981) describes the events of February 1848 in Paris, which culminated in a mob of workers storming the French Chamber of Deputies to overthrow the government and the monarchy:

On 20 February 1848 the reformers and the opposition to Guizot’s government in France made plans to hold a political banquet in Paris. the banquet was banned by the government and, as a result, the common people of Paris held a procession through the streets in protest against the decision. Their leaders presented a petition to the Chamber of Deputies demanding Guizot’s resignation.

The discontent against the government, and against Guizot in particular, had been growing during 1847 but then it had largely been a campaign of middle-class politicians. Now it was the cause of the common people of Paris and on 22 February 1848 the police had to clear an…

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Friends of Syria

The U.S. government’s latest attempt to topple Cuba using social media is just the tip of the iceberg, but what’s really interesting is how connects to the Ukrainian crisis.

On April 2nd  the Associated Press released an report exposing how the U.S. government recently attempted to topple the Cuban government yet again. This time the plot hinged on the creation of a communications network called “ZunZuneo” which was essentially a primitive version of Twitter. The plan, which was cooked up by the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the U.S. State Department, was to build up a large following of users and then push them towards revolt. The network was built using shell companies and financed through a foreign bank to hide their connection to Washington. The Obama administration defended the program saying that it “had disclosed the initiative to Congress”.

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Lib Dems get tough with Tories by planning to get flipping annoyed about something.

How the corruption works: the Royal Mail example.